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News Releases

Sunrise Academy Announcements

Sunrise Academy upper elementary students become published authors, writing and illustrating their own books through a national student publishing program, Studentreasures Publishing.

Sunrise Academy has announced that over sixty of its students have become published authors through a national student publishing program. As part of the publishing process, students in grades 3rd-5th planned, wrote, and illustrated their own books using a free publishing kit provided by Studentreasures Publishing. The topic of their books was Holiday Memories.

The students of Bethany Green’s writing class have been working hard on their books for several weeks. The idea for their class book started when they decided they wanted to share their favorite holiday memories with their families. “These kids worked incredibly hard and poured every effort they had into their stories. We are so proud of them, remarks Bethany Green.

The Studentreasures publishing program provides teachers an easy way to incorporate any lesson plan – from math and science to history, art, and more – into a fun and memorable activity. Publishing a book in the classroom engages students through hands-on learning and inspires a love of reading and writing.

The best part? A classroom full of proud, smiling young authors, with a memory that lasts a lifetime, plus, a full-color, deluxe hardcover book for the teacher or school library. The students’ parents also have an option to purchase copies of these unique, childhood keepsakes.

Sunrise Academy rolled out the red carpet for our student authors as the students celebrated their accomplishment, viewed their published books, and entertained the audience with a reading from the authors work during their publishing party. The publishing party was visited by a reporter for The West Volusia Beacon newspaper and the students are excited to be recognized in an upcoming December 2021 issue of the newspaper.


Sunrise Academy Announcements

Updated: Dec 15, 2021

Sunrise Academy's High School students lead their first mock trial as part of their student council initiative to inspire and collaborate with school officials on school policies and changes.

Congratulations to our High School students for their outstanding performance in pleading their case against their recent schedule changes in our “School Court”!

Their opening statement, persuasive academic research, and compelling arguments made it quite difficult for the jury to reach a verdict against their petition.

The Plaintiff and the Defense teams built such a compelling case, that both parties agreed to consider each other's valid points concerning this issue and negotiated a “win-win” alternative presented by the jury.

This event also inspired our students to take the initiative to organize their Student Council to keep fostering open communication channels and opportunities to partake in the ongoing decision-making processes throughout this 2021-22 school year.

The jury recommended meeting again at the end of the second academic quarter to show the students’ significant academic improvement that will justify the reinstatement of their prior schedule as requested.

The Head of School, Mrs. Y. Marte, Executive Administrative Assistant, Ms. S. Franklin, as well as the PK12 Director, Ms. V. Pellot, led the Defense Team while the Plaintiff Team was lead by Brandon Herrera, 11th grade student at Sunrise Academy.

Mrs. Marte remarked that she was "extremely proud to see the dedication, professionalism, and preparation displayed by the high school students." A special thank you to all the high school students, faculty, and staff involved in planning and conducting the first high school mock trial.

Sunrise Academy Announcements

Updated: Oct 21, 2021

Wednesday, September 1st, 2021


Sunrise Academy takes extensive measures to ensure the school building is prepared, is hygienic, and free of infectious diseases, such as COVID-19. We ask families and employees to do their part to keep everyone healthy as the pandemic continues.

Mask Requirements

COVID 19 – Mask & Face Coverings Policy 2021-2022

This policy is effective from September 1, 2021 and replaces Volusia County School Board Policy 503 (2020-2021):

Face coverings for students are optional. Students are permitted to wear a face mask or face covering that covers their mouth and nose to mitigate the spread of infectious diseases, such as COVID-19. No student shall be subject to disciplinary action for wearing a face mask or face covering.

While the school permits the wearing of face masks and face coverings for public health purposes, the school does not require any student to wear a face mask or face covering. The wearing of face masks and face coverings is strongly recommended and will be encouraged when they are indoors and near other people at school. Sunrise Academy will maintain a supply of disposable face mask for students and staff. Presently, Sunrise Academy is honoring families right to choose the option of not wearing a face covering for their student(s), and no one should be harassed to do so per the FLDOE emergency rule.

Beginning Wednesday, September 1, 2021, face coverings (masks or face shields) are required for adults, including employees, parents, volunteers, and other visitors at Sunrise Academy. Only employees with a medical exemption on file are exempt from the requirement to wear a face mask or face covering. This requirement will be in effect through November 5, 2021. It will be reevaluated as new information becomes available and will be relaxed as soon as it is practical to do so.

Sunrise Academy asks students, parents, and employees to stay home if they are sick or experiencing symptoms of illness.

Stay safe, and thank you for your cooperation,

Mrs. Y. Marte Ms. S. Franklin Ms. V. Pellot Ms. C. Bedenbaugh

Head of School Execut. Adminstrative Assist. Director of Operations Assistant Principal

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