Welcome to High School (Grades 9-12)
High School is a part of the Upper School division and High School planning begins in middle school. All high school students entering from 9th grade are placed on a track for graduation in four years.
Additionally, each student has an academic plan that is aligned with their career goals.
High school students are prepared for college with a liberal arts style education that emphasizes the benefits of a well-rounded world view.
Sunrise Academy's high school program is one-to-one computing (1:1), which means each enrolled student is assigned and allowed to use a school electronic device (laptop) in order to access the Internet and digital course materials.
Parents & Students are required to complete an Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement.

In order to be considered for graduation, students must complete the following requirements:
24 Academic Credits:
4 Credits English
4 Credits Mathematics
3 Credits Science
3 Credits Social Studies
1 Credits Physical Education
1 Credit Fine or Performing Arts
2 Credits Foreign Language
5.5 Elective Credits
0.5 Credit Community Service Learning (75 Hours)
Community Service Credit:
The school provides many community service opportunities for students in order to prepare them for the world of work.
Grade Requirement:
Students must pass every class with a "D" grade or higher.
GPA Requirement:
Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale.