Sunrise Academy's High School students lead their first mock trial as part of their student council initiative to inspire and collaborate with school officials on school policies and changes.

Congratulations to our High School students for their outstanding performance in pleading their case against their recent schedule changes in our “School Court”!
Their opening statement, persuasive academic research, and compelling arguments made it quite difficult for the jury to reach a verdict against their petition.
The Plaintiff and the Defense teams built such a compelling case, that both parties agreed to consider each other's valid points concerning this issue and negotiated a “win-win” alternative presented by the jury.
This event also inspired our students to take the initiative to organize their Student Council to keep fostering open communication channels and opportunities to partake in the ongoing decision-making processes throughout this 2021-22 school year.
The jury recommended meeting again at the end of the second academic quarter to show the students’ significant academic improvement that will justify the reinstatement of their prior schedule as requested.
The Head of School, Mrs. Y. Marte, Executive Administrative Assistant, Ms. S. Franklin, as well as the PK12 Director, Ms. V. Pellot, led the Defense Team while the Plaintiff Team was lead by Brandon Herrera, 11th grade student at Sunrise Academy.
Mrs. Marte remarked that she was "extremely proud to see the dedication, professionalism, and preparation displayed by the high school students." A special thank you to all the high school students, faculty, and staff involved in planning and conducting the first high school mock trial.