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K-12 School Calendar & Faculty Changes 2020-2021

Updated: Aug 18, 2020

The Coronavirus Pandemic has caused significant disruption to our school schedule. As of today, Sunrise Academy is planning for a reopening of the school campus in the Fall of 2020. However, contingency plans are also being made in the event the school will have to continue virtual schooling. As more information becomes available, we will make adjustments to our events where necessary and communicate those changes to you promptly.

The following changes are effective for the 2020-2021 School Year:

Senior Faculty Changes for 2020-2021 School Year

Ms. Stephanie Conway ("Ms. Stephanie") is appointed as Dean of the Upper School, while Mrs. Halley Whitten-Connolly ("Mrs. Whitten") is appointed Dean of the Lower School. In the Upper School, Ms. Connie Conway will remain as Middle School Team Leader, while Ms. Michelle O'Connor will become High School Team Leader. In the Lower School, Mrs. Tatiana Figueroa will remain as Grade 3-5 Team Leader, while Mrs. Barbara Santos will become Team Leader for Grades K-2.

Changes to K-12 Start & Dismissal Times for 2020-2021 School Year

School will start earlier from August 2020. The new start and dismissal times are as follows:


School Start Time: 8:05 a.m. (Late after 8:10 a.m.)

(Breakfast Time: 7:30 - 8:00 a.m.)


Monday - Thursday: 2:30 p.m.

Fridays: 1:00 p.m. (Early Release)

K-12 School Year 2020-2021 Start Dates (Subject to Change):

Due to the ongoing pandemic, these dates are subject to change.

There will be a staggered start to the 2020-2021 School Year:

August 27th: Orientation/Meet the Teacher K-5th (Virtual)

August 28th: Orientation/Meet the Teacher 6th-12th (Virtual)

August 31st: First Day of School (Virtual & Traditional)

Graduation 2019-2020 Cancellation:

Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, our graduation ceremony due to be held in the Center at Deltona in May, has been cancelled. Refund requests can be made here.

Other Event Postponements (Subject to Change):

2019-2020 Back to School Celebration - Cancelled

2019-2020 Student Achievement Awards & Honor Roll - Cancelled

Peace Mala Accreditation Ceremony - Cancelled

Further information regarding the 2020-2021 School Year will be released in due course. Sunrise Academy wishes you all a restful summer. Thank you for your cooperation.



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