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Sunrise Academy to become a Peace Mala Accredited School

Updated: Feb 27, 2020

Sunrise Academy is excited to announce that we are applying to become a Peace Mala Accredited School in the Spring of 2020.

Central Primary School in Port Talbot, U.K. receiving their Peace Mala Bronze Accreditation, June 2019.

What is Peace Mala?

Peace Mala is multi award winning educational project for peace and global citizenship that Ms. Pam Evans MBE began in Great Britain in 2001, in response to 9/11. The project is endorsed by many community leaders, including His Holiness Pope Francis, and the Dalai Lama.

A Peace Mala is a symbolic double rainbow bracelet that promotes friendship, respect and peace between people of all cultures, lifestyles, faiths, beliefs and none. The word ‘mala’ is Sanskrit and means ‘garland of flowers.' It is a vision for the future. Wearing the Peace Mala is a promise to help create a better world.

Peace Mala focuses on the Golden Rule. Its intention is to educate and remind everyone that this rule is recognized by many scholars, teachers and philosophers. It is also universal to all compassionate faiths. Simply stated, it is: "Treat others as you would wish them to treat you."

Peace Mala is a non-political, non-religious charitable organiation. It does not support any political party, movement or belief system over any other. Peace Mala’s aim is to contribute to education for global citizenship by inviting all people to treat each other with respect regardless of race, color, religion, gender, sexuality, size, age or ability. Peace Mala’s compassionate wish is for people, animals and the environment to be at peace.

Our Accreditation Plan

In order to receive our Bronze Accreditation, we must demonstrate competency across seven key areas. These areas involve community cohesion, the promotion of human rights, preventing bullying, encouraging active compassion, celebrating diversity, as well as promoting environmental sustainability, healthy eating, and respect for all animals. The school plans to develop a small "peace garden" that the students can use to grow food, and to learn about the environment. We will be holding an accreditation ceremony in the late Spring of 2020 to receive our Bronze Accreditation. Further details will be released in due course.

Who will be involved?

Peace Mala is a whole school project that has been approved by the School President Mrs. Marte; the Principal, Ms. Franklin; and the Assistant Principal, Mr. Connolly. The Peace Mala project at Sunrise Academy will be coordinated by the Second Grade Teacher, Mrs. Whitten. Inquiries about the project should be directed to the Assistant Principal, Mr. Connolly.

Further Reading:

Peace Mala:


Assistant Principal (Mr. Connolly):

Peace Mala School Coordinator (Mrs. Whitten):



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