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Principal Franklin to lead Lower School; Principal Connolly to head Upper School

Sunrise Academy Announcements

Sunrise Academy is excited to announce that as a result of strong growth, we are splitting our K-12 division into two schools to better serve our students.

Lower School Principal, Shellnisha Franklin

Sunrise Academy has had strong growth during the 2019-2020 school year and is now entering the next stage of its journey.

In order to better serve its students, the K-12 school will be split into two schools: the Lower School (Elementary), and the Upper School (Middle & High).

The Lower School will be led by Principal Shellnisha Franklin who is assisted by academic Dean, Halley Whitten-Connolly ("Mrs. Whitten").

The Upper School will be led by Principal Levi Whitten-Connolly ("Mr. Connolly") who is assisted by academic Dean, Stephanie Conway.

Upper School Principal, Levi Whitten-Connolly

Prior to coming to Sunrise Academy, Ms. Franklin worked in private and public schools, while Mr. Connolly worked in the public school system and higher education.

For parents and students, existing procedures, such pick-up, and school start and end times will remain in place for the foreseeable future.

Both schools will continue to work together and operate under the Sunrise Academy brand.

Sunrise Academy will continue to provide an innovative, 21st century education that makes our school the private school of choice in Volusia County.


Lower School Principal Shellnisha Franklin:

Upper School Principal Levi Connolly:


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