Start your Sunrise Academy journey here.
Sunrise Academy has a rolling admission process and we admit qualified students year round. There are a few steps to the admission process, which are outlined below:
Gather Important Documents
Before we can enroll your child, you must have the following documents available:
Child's Birth Certificate;
Child and Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Social Security Card;
Parent's/Guardian's Photo ID (Florida Driver License or U.S. Passport);
Parent's/Guardian's Proof of Address (e.g. utility bill issued in last 3 months);
Child's Health Examination Form (Issued within last 12 months); [more info]
Child's Proof of Immunization; [more info]
Depending on your circumstances, you may be eligible for a partial, or fully funded preschool place. To find out about preschool fees, CLICK HERE
Explore Payment Options
We offer a number of payment options, and funded places are available. Options include:
1. Self Pay (Preschool and VPK Wrap)
2. Apply for School Readiness [click here]
3. Apply for Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK) (4 year olds) [click here]
Complete and Submit Enrollment Application
Once you are ready to apply, click to complete an Application for Enrollment (application fee is non-refundable):
Click here to Apply for Enrollment 2024-2025
Click here to Apply for Enrollment 2025-2026
Admission Interview
The Admissions Specialist will review your Application for Enrollment and schedule an Admissions Interview. If we need any additional information, we will also request this via phone or email.
Wait for Admission Decision
The Admission Committee will review your Application for Enrollment and notify you of a decision via phone within 3 business days. If we need any additional information, we will also request this via phone or email.
Meet with Office Specialist for Financials
The Office Specialist for Financials & Scholarships will meet with you to review your financial obligations.
Registration Fee
Pay registration fee to secure placement and start date. (Registration fee is non-refundable)
Start School at Sunrise Academy
Once admitted to the school, your child will be able to attend Sunrise Academy!