If you/your student are in search of a tutor, explore the list of Sunrise Tutors!
If you do not see the subject or grade level you are looking for, reach out and we can do our best to suggest other places to search outside of the school.

Ms. Felix
Teacher: 1st Grade
Tutors: 1st, 2nd, & 3rd grade levels
Cost: Contact Ms. Felix directly
Contact: nfelix@sunriseacademy.education
Availability: Contact Ms. Felix for availability

Mrs. DeVor
Teacher: 6th-8th Grade
Tutors: 6th-12th Grade Science
Cost: Contact Mrs. DeVor directly
Availability: Contact Mrs. DeVor for availability

Mr. VanDorn
Teacher: 9th-12th Grade
Tutors: 3rd-12th all subjects
Cost: $20/hr. *Virtual Option*
Contact: cvandorn@sunriseacademy.education
Availability: Contact Mr. VanDorn for availability
Ms. Packer
Teacher: 3rd-5th Grade
Tutors: Mathematics
Cost: $20/hr.
Contact: jpacker@sunriseacademy.education
Availability: Mon. & Wed. 3-4PM
If you do not see what you are looking for, reach out and we can do our best to suggest other places to search outside of the school.

Mrs. Grimes
Grades: Eligible 3rd-12th
Contact: tgrimes@sunriseacademy.education
More Info: Click Here

Mrs. Grimes & Ms. Melani
Grades: Eligible 4th-12th
Contact: tgrimes@sunriseacademy.education or dmelani@sunriseacademy.education

Mr. Ormond & Mr. Pacheco
Grades: 7th-12th Grade *Males Only
Cost: $97 registration fee
Contact: gormond@sunriseacademy.education or npacheco@sunriseacademy.education

Ms. Languirand & Ms. Melani
Grades: 4th-12th Grade
Contact: jlanguirand@sunriseacademy.education or dmelani@sunriseacademy.education

Ms. Franklin
Grades: 5th-8th Grade
Cost: $20 registration fee
Contact: sfranklin@sunriseacademy.education