Welcome to the Terrific Twos!
Two-year-olds learn about the world around them through the daily activities that are provided to them, so it is our practice to provide them with enriching and evolving activities to keep them interested and engaged.
They learn to talk by listening, and they exercise their minds with sensory activities, group play and games. Most two-year-olds are up on their feet and seeing what new areas they can explore so, music, learning activities, and games are important for keeping them entertained and involved.
While most children in this age group have short attention spans, it is important to provide them with a wide array of activities that are safe and age-appropriate.
Our Twos Classroom is also dedicated towards improving and mastering self-help skills. Learning how to feed, change, and even use the potty are big steps towards creating a healthy and independent self. At this age you may also begin to notice your child assert him/herself much more than they used to. NO and Mine are popular words at this age.
With a gentle and loving approach, we are able to teach children effective and appropriate ways to communicate their feelings and thoughts. Although this age seems to bring on some frustration for many parents, it can be the most rewarding as their personalities and independent self begin to emerge.
What They Say!